Node js Development Company

We build scalable and performant apps your customers will enjoy. With Node.js, software development is fast, resulting in lightweight yet highly efficient products. Applications developed in Node can test new features faster and implement changes smoothly at every iteration.

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Group 24097
Group 24098
Group 24099
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Node js Development Company

We build scalable and performant apps your customers will enjoy. With Node.js, software development is fast, resulting in lightweight yet highly efficient products. Applications developed in Node can test new features faster and implement changes smoothly at every iteration.

Key Figures


Success on Upwork

Our reputation on Upwork based on direct client feedback and other indicators of client satisfaction.


On Clutch

Our overall rating on Clutch is based on verified client reviews.


Delivered Projects

From day one, we have delivered over 100 projects for companies from around the world.


What engagement model and methodology is the right fit for your software design and development?


The time and materials model is a good fit for projects with an inconsistent workflow. It most often involves regularly paying for the time spent on development service. You do not waste money on fixed monthly fees when the workload fluctuates...

  • Flat hourly rate

  • No hidden fees

  • Negotiable timeline

  • Agile short-term planning

  • Transparency with regular progress reports

  • Flexible requirements

Certified by

We are proud to be recognized by leading B2B ratings and reviews platforms that ensure that our services meet the needs of our clients. Thank our clients that have taken the time to leave us such great reviews.
  • Description

    Our reputation on Upwork is based on direct client feedback and other indicators of client satisfaction.

  • Description

    Our overall rating on Clutch is based on client response to five independent star-rating questions.


  • Description

    Our score on GoodFirms is prepared based on in-depth evaluation criteria - quality, reliability, and ability.


Success Stories

Our work speaks for itself! Take a look at what we've been working on…

ecommerce web design

Shopify Plus Design Agency: A Blog Redesign

Struggling with high bounce rates and low conversions despite heavy ad spending? Reviewing UI/UX and the customer journey can reveal key areas for improvement. This case study shows how small tweaks can drive big results.

  • Shopify
mvp development services

MVP Development Services: From Idea To Marketplace

Got a digital product idea but unsure if users will love it? Need funding fast to outpace competitors? MVP development helps you test, gather user feedback, and refine your product to win over investors. Let’s show you how.

  • React
  • NextJS
Custom Shopify and Webflow Development. Cart API

Quest for E-Commerce Excellence: Product Bundling, Shopify Plus

We improved the user experience and increased the business value for the client. The deliverables increased Rokoko's share of European orders and led to significant user satisfaction in the cart and checkout experience.

  • Ruby
  • React
  • Shopify


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VT Labs OÜ, Sepapaja 6, Tallinn, 15551
Petra Hryhorenka Ave, 38a, Kyiv, 02140
United States
548 Market St, San Francisco, California, 94104-5401


Still have lingering questions about Node.js? No worries, we've got you covered. Find the answer to your question below.

Can I use Node JS With React?


To use Node.js with React, you'll need to install the react-dom package so that you can render your React application on the server side. You can then use either Node's native module system or a third-party library such as webpack to bundle and transpile the code for the client. Once this is complete, you can set up a local file system with Node to serve static assets for your React application, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Finally, you will need to create an Express.js server to respond to HTTP requests from the client and fetch data from any backend services that may be required. Check out this page to learn more about React

VT Labs does agile development for Shopify stores, to move faster than competitors. You get store improvements every week and can change priorities anytime.