Automation Testing Services

Automated testing is important because it allows us to run tests more frequently. We can also run them across different platforms that may or may not be available on the build machine, depending on the infrastructure set up for continuous integration.

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Software Test Automation Services

When it comes to quality assurance, test automation is essential. For example, automated testing allows us to run automated test suites more frequently and across different platforms, which helps ensure our products' quality.

QA automation testing services also help free up people's time to focus on their best work. By automating the software testing process as much as possible, we can bake in quality and ensure that our products are as reliable as possible, helping to decrease the time to market. For example, automated test scripts are always looking for errors in the code or design of your app. At the same time, human testing efficiency is almost always one step behind running them manually, if not wholly blind to potential changes in the code, test coverage, environment details, etc.

Test automation solutions support a better ROI when compared with manual QA testing because automation testing companies will have access to high-quality software products faster. In addition, a test automation strategy can help teams release more reliable and error-free software, making customers less likely to experience problems with the product.

Automation testing tools can provide documentation and verify the product's quality. A custom test automation framework can help developers understand how the product works and what it is supposed to do. In addition, they can help test automation engineers understand how the product is supposed to work. This can be especially helpful if there is a change in the product or if a new feature is added.

The automation testing strategy is an essential piece of the software development process. Test automation helps ensure the product is reliable and meets quality standards. In contrast, QA manual testing helps to explore the product and find problems that automated tests might not see. Quality assurance is essential in today's agile development process because it helps teams build better outcomes for customers.

Tools we mainly use for testing software firmness, thoroughness, and other performance parameters.


What engagement model and methodology is the right fit for your software design and development?


The time and materials model is a good fit for projects with an inconsistent workflow. It most often involves regularly paying for the time spent on development service. You do not waste money on fixed monthly fees when the workload fluctuates...

  • Flat hourly rate

  • No hidden fees

  • Negotiable timeline

  • Agile short-term planning

  • Transparency with regular progress reports

  • Flexible requirements

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    Our overall rating on Clutch is based on client response to five independent star-rating questions.


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    Our score on GoodFirms is prepared based on in-depth evaluation criteria - quality, reliability, and ability.



Success Stories

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Got a digital product idea but unsure if users will love it? Need funding fast to outpace competitors? MVP development helps you test, gather user feedback, and refine your product to win over investors. Let’s show you how.

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Petra Hryhorenka Ave, 38a, Kyiv, 02140
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VT Labs does agile development for Shopify stores, to move faster than competitors. You get store improvements every week and can change priorities anytime.