Discover the Top 1000 Global Service Providers of 2022 as Recognized by Clutch

# Inside VT LabsAlex Borodin
February 22, 2023
2 min read
Discover the Top 1000 Global Service Providers of 2022 as Recognized by Clutch

Clutch, the well-known B2B service providers marketplace, has recently released its prestigious list of the top 1000 global service providers for 2022. This list recognizes the most exceptional businesses from various industries and regions worldwide, with the top 1% of companies being included in this exclusive ranking.

# Inside VT Labs
February 22, 2023
2 min read

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Clutch meticulously evaluates each company on the platform, taking into account four crucial criteria to ensure that they are delivering top-tier services to their clients. These criteria include the number, quality, and recency of verified Clutch reviews, the company's portfolio of work and clientele, a robust company profile with competitive specializations and considerable experience, and strong brand awareness and industry recognition.

Katie Hollar, Head of Marketing at Clutch, stated that 93% of B2B service providers use online reviews to generate social proof and trust in their work, according to a recent Clutch survey of over 1,800 respondents. Clutch provides buyers of B2B services with over 140,000 verified peer reviews, allowing them to make well-informed decisions about selecting the best external firms to partner with for their business needs.

We are proud to announce that VT Labs has been included in this esteemed list of top global service providers for 2022. Our team is delighted to receive this recognition, highlighting our commitment to delivering exceptional services and achieving outstanding client results.

To view the leading companies on Clutch's 2022 list of top global service providers, visit their website.

Alex Borodin - Chief Operating Officer
Alex BorodinChief Operating Officer

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